
Les articles postés sont en anglais, car ils sont destinés à la communauté Plone


Sometimes we have some folders or some documents which should have not been deleted. But our customers/users have deleted them and it occurs some errors on application. So we decided to create a new package to prevent delete or/and move actions.

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New package: collective.geo.faceted

We use collective.geo suite for geolocatisation for some of our projects. We also use eea.facetednavigation to easily find content into our website or application. So we decided to add a map view for eea.facetednavigation and we created collective.geo.faceted.

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Geonode, Geoserver, Postgis with Docker

We have some clients which needs a framework for maps creation. We took a look on market of open source solutions for this kind of feature and we became fan of geonode project. We begin to be familiar with Docker so we decided to create Docker images for Geonode. We would like to separate geoserver and geonode. The goal is to be able to move geoserver or geonode on distinct server if the load increase. So we create different images for Geonode, Geoserver. We also use Nginx image for creation of link between Geonode and Geoserver (and a Postgis image for development).

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